

What is atomic bomb disease?

The damage done to the human body by an A-bomb’s heat rays, blast and radiation has been referred to generally as atomic bomb disease. Atomic bomb disease is divided into two categories; acute damage and aftereffect, depending on whether the symptoms appear before or after four months since exposure to the atomic bomb.

Acute damage ⇒ Develop within four months after the bombing

Symptoms caused by heat rays and fire Burns
Symptoms caused by blast External injuries, bone fractures etc
Symptoms caused by radiation Nausea, lassitude, loss of hair etc

Aftereffect ⇒ Developed more than four month after the bombing

Keloids Irregular, abnormally protruding scar tissue that forms during the healing process in burned skin
A-bomb cataract Cataract caused by A-bomb radiation. Opacity develops in the crystalline lens of the eye, causing visual disturbance.
Microcephaly A condition in which the head is of smaller than normal circumference. Microcephaly occurred among persons exposed to radiation while in the uterus
Leukemia Cancers Blood cancer